Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Central and North West London (CNWL) NHS Foundation Trust are a large and diverse organisation, providing personal health care services for people with a wide range of physical and mental health needs.

CNWL NHS Trust employ approximately 7000 staff to provide more than 300 different health services across 150 sites. Their catchment area covers a range of vibrant and diverse communities, with over 100 first languages spoken, containing areas of great affluence as well as areas of much deprivation where patients can be vulnerable.

Most of the time, housing visits are carried out safely and the service runs smoothly with no issues. However, when visiting patients who are experiencing difficulties, perhaps substance abuse or mental health problems, the element of risk is always there. Statistics from NHS Protect identify that between 2015-16 there were a number of reported assaults on nurses and other clinicians at CNWL NHS Trust alone. With such figures in mind, the Trust turned to Peoplesafe’s BS 8484:2022 accredited lone worker protection service. After looking at their specific organisational requirements, they decided to utilise the MySOS device to safeguard their lone working nurses.

As stated by Catherine Kwamya, Spokesperson for CNWL NHS Trust, “Peoplesafe helps to protect our nurses, doctors, social workers, psychologists and support workers, some of which have had to activate their alarms in real life emergency situations when carrying out home visits”.

Peoplesafe’s service is proven in use and already work with over 100 NHS Trusts across the UK in providing first class lone worker protection.

“The main factor in choosing Peoplesafe’s service is the level of protection that our staff have. As we are predominantly a mental health service, patient and staff safety is our top priority”
Catherine Kwamya, Spokesperson

The MySOS personal safety alarm is a key fob-sized device that can be worn or carried in a number of ways; as a keyring, attached to a belt, around the neck or even as an identity badge holder. The device is designed to allow for functionality and ease with its use.

With a simple press of the SOS button, an alarm will be activated and sent directly to Peoplesafe’s 24-hour operated Alarm Receiving Centre. Here, an Alarm Controller will listen in to what is happening and assess the situation. If needed, the Alarm Controller will send emergency help to the user’s exact location, using the device’s GPS capability.

Catherine continued, “Peoplesafe’s MySOS device gives our staff discreet protection, it allows for our staff to be able to raise the alarm without being seen by patients”.

For the staff at this Trust, this element of the solution is key. If a vulnerable patient was to become aggressive, the visiting staff would be able to call for help without notifying the patient.

When asked if they would recommend Peoplesafe’s service, CNWL NHS Trust stated, “yes, most definitely. The service is very professional and we feel secure with their prompt response times. It’s also great value for money”.

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