About Peoplesafe

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Putting people at the heart of safety

Peoplesafe is an industry leading, UK-based technology-led employee safety business. Through our range of safety devices every worker – from those at the highest risk down to the lowest risk – can benefit from 24/7 protection. With over 20 years’ experience in the lone worker industry, we have used pioneering technology to create our end-to-end service that does not rely on third parties.

Who we protect

Founded in 2001, Peoplesafe has traditionally protected lone and high-risk workers. Worldwide, we are the largest provider of lone working solutions with 200,000 subscribers (more than double the users of the second largest provider).

Using the risk methodology acronym, PET (People, Environment, Task), we have a range of connected devices that can support workers at risk from the environment they work in. Employees working in remote locations with limited mobile signal (e.g. farmers) can use a satellite communication device, whereas workers in hazardous environments will need a product that is ATEX rated.

What about workers that are not high-risk? Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the entire workforce is becoming essential to businesses and not just a nice-to-have. For many, ‘the workplace’ is no longer a single building: it could be a vehicle, the kitchen or a shared work hub… or even a combination with the rise of hybrid and home working. Rolling out a personal safety app to keep all employees safe is often the simplest method and our app has the added benefit – like all our solutions – of being backed by our accredited 24/7 Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).

Our values

Trust – As a customer, you can rely on us to deliver on our commitment to keep your employees safe

Passion – As a business, we are passionate about putting you at the heart of safety

Responsive – As a customer you will always be our number one priority

Collaborative – We will work in partnership with you, to deliver a tailored solution and keep your people safe

Pioneering – As a business we continue to spearhead innovation in safety, bringing you cutting edge solutions

Leading the way

We are a principal member of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) and a national committee member of the British Standards Institution (BSI), contributing to the development and revision of the BS 8484 standard. Peoplesafe is also a member of the BSIA Lone Worker Section Committee for which our CEO, Naz Dossa, is Chairman.

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To find out more about our, employee safety service, please get in touch.
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© 2025 Skyguard Ltd T/A Peoplesafe. Company Registration Number: 04107459. All rights reserved. Peoplesafe is part of the Send for Help Group.