Lone Working in Education

2020 saw over a million workers employed within education in the UK, with 53,000 non-fatal injuries.

An increase in the lone work force

As the landscape of education changes, so does the job description. The role of a teacher no longer involves working from a fixed location from 9-3. Many may be expected to attend events, trips, after school clubs, and home visits; all of which may put them at an increased risk of abuse or attack.

The caretakers, cleaners, utility managers, technicians, researchers and security personnel who commonly work out-of-hours can face similar risk.

A need for protection

Whether employees in education work alone on a daily basis, or infrequently, they should be provided with adequate means of protection as a basic duty of care requirement.

Ofsted guidelines and health and safety law state that all schools must have an up-to-date health and safety policy, with measures in place to protect lone workers.

Peoplesafe can provide reliable, cost-effective solutions.

“Staff can log their appointments using a mobile phone. Peoplesafe is linked to the University’s security system and reports overdue activity logs.”
Victor Ball, Newcastle University
“If interviewers are feeling safe and secure in the environment they are working in, they feel more confident.”
Victor Ball, Newcastle University

Get in touch

To find out how Peoplesafe can help protect and support people working in education, please get in touch.
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