
27 Nov, 2018
When lone working, you can be exposed to greater risk than when working in a team. Without the added assistance of a colleague to help in difficult situations, it is…
17 Oct, 2018
What is a MEWP? MEWP is an acronym for Mobile Elevator Working Platforms; a piece of machinery that is used for completing work at height. Working at height poses many…
4 Oct, 2018
The air we breathe is made up of multiple gases, however, for a human to function normally the air must contain enough oxygen. Under normal atmospheric pressure conditions, we normally…
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24 Sep, 2018
When people drink they lose the capacity to make smart decisions, think logically and are often unable to analyse information. They may become irritable, frustrated and unable to read body…
3 Jan, 2018
Let’s imagine a scenario where you are working as a high risk lone working employee and requires immediate assistance from the Police. Scenario: You are a housing support officer who…
28 Nov, 2017
As the Industrial Revolution progressed, so did our use of heavy machinery as tools. Machines are now a vital asset to many organisations. They are capable of carrying out a…
15 Apr, 2017
Employees across the UK face working in all different types of environments.  Some find themselves working indoors within a controlled working space. Others however, carry out work in some of…
6 Apr, 2017
Stepping into someone else’s property can be intimidating at times, especially if you are alone. Many lone working roles require staff to carry out home visits by themselves – for…
22 Mar, 2017
The feeling of being watched is something that most of us can relate to experiencing at some point. Thankfully in the majority of cases this is often just down to…
7 Nov, 2016
Despite media reporting of physical or sexual attacks, the UK remains a fairly safe place for people going about their day-to-day activities. However, working alone does mean you need to…
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