Lone Working in Professional Services

21.4% of workers in the UK are employed within professional services, the highest percentage within any single occupation.

The Risks

Workers within the professional services industry cover a wide range of roles and can be found in any sector. To name a few, professional service workers include lawyers, architects, accountants, financial advisers, engineers, and consultants, among others.

While these traditionally office-based workers may not be regarded high-risk, many of them work alone, from home, or outside of traditional office hours. As such, they can be classified as lone workers and employers have a duty of care to ensure their health, safety and welfare.

Tailored solutions

With an increasing demand for better work-life balance and more flexible working hours, one in four post-COVID businesses allow all employees to work from home at least some of the time.

The safety of home workers must therefore be considered. Many people working from home may experience increased feelings of isolation and stress. They are also more likely to feel unsupported in critical events.

Peoplesafe offers flexible, tailored solutions to protect and communicate with all workers, whatever the environment, situation and potential risks.

“After extensive market research, we found that Peoplesafe Alert met all of our criteria.”
Head of IT, Building Society

Get in touch

To find out how Peoplesafe can help protect and support those working in professional services, please get in touch.
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