User Stories: Medical

Sudden Heart Attack

A delivery driver was sitting in his van when he began feeling very dizzy and started to experience shortness of breath. The user was unable to reach his phone, so he activated his alarm and informed the Alarm Controller of how he was feeling. The Controller then contacted the emergency services for the user and passed over the information, including details of the driver’s location and medical information from his Peoplesafe Portal profile.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive the user started to feel even more unwell. The ARC Controller stayed on the line to keep the user alert and reassured; meanwhile, another team member contacted the user’s manager to inform them of the situation. The Controller remained on the line with the user until paramedics arrived and provided medical assistance. The user was experiencing a heart attack and without being able to call for help easily, would not have survived. 

Elderly Fall Down Stairs

An elderly user was walking down the top of his stairs at home when he fell and was unable to get up. The user was home alone and required emergency assistance, so he raised an SOS alarm to the Peoplesafe ARC.

The Alarm Controller was able to see the user’s pre-uploaded medical information upon receiving the alarm, so was aware that they were elderly and hard of hearing. The user was able to explain that they had fallen and needed help, so the Controller contacted the emergency services, passing over extra details such as the user’s GPS location and relevant medical information.

Once the ambulance was on its way, the Controller contacted the user’s escalation contacts and informed them of the situation and that an ambulance was on its way. The Controller remained on the line with the user until the ambulance arrived and updated their escalation contact at every step of the way. The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and the alarm was closed.

Asthma Attack

A warehouse operative raised an alarm as they had recently had an asthma attack and were still feeling very unwell. The Alarm Controller was able to see the user’s medical information on their Peoplesafe Portal profile and advised that they sit down with their inhaler. The controller then asked the user questions to assess the situation and determine if emergency help was required.

The user confirmed that they did not require an ambulance, so the Controller followed their escalation procedure and contacted a manager, who was able to attend the user’s location to provide in-person support. Once the manager had arrived the user confirmed they were happy for the alarm to be closed. Before ending the call, the controller reminded the user to reactivate their device if their condition worsened. 

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