Who Are Lone Workers?

A lone worker is someone who:

  • works by themselves without close or direct supervision
  • works in isolation either all of the time or some of the time
  • works without access to immediate support from colleagues or managers

Lone worker examples:

  • Delivery driver
  • Engineer
  • Cleaner
  • Construction worker
  • Security guard
  • Housing officer
  • Estate agent
  • Healthcare worker

The tasks completed by staff working alone do not carry increased risk. The higher risk level is a result of the increased severity should an incident occur.

Risks to consider:

  • Medical emergency or sudden illness: No more likely to occur when lone working, but far more severe if the person is unable to call for help
  • Violence, threats or abuse: Statistically, people are more likely to be attacked if they are by themselves
  • Driving-related incident: Without someone to keep the driver company or enforce breaks, having an accident is more likely
  • Theft or robbery: A single person, especially if they are suspected to be carrying valuables, is more likely to be targeted
  • Isolation: Working alone for prolonged periods of time can have significant impacts on a person’s mental health and wellbeing

A lone worker solution cannot eliminate the risk. Nonetheless, when the user is thinking about their personal safety and with the right training, a lone worker solution can reduce the likelihood of an incident happening and potentially minimise the severity of any incident that does occur.

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