NHS Lone Worker Devices

Over 100 NHS Trusts use our lone worker service to protect their staff.
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More than one in ten nurses subjected to physical assault

A recent survey conducted by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) found more than 60% of nurses working in the community have been subjected to verbal or physical abuse in the past two years.

The RCN believes a lack of funding is not an excuse for ignoring the risks faced by lone working nurses and argues that a well implemented policy, proper lone worker risk assessment and an effective prevention strategy, including the use of specialist lone worker alarm systems are worthwhile investments.

Operating 24/7, more than a quarter of the NHS workforce are required to complete shift work, meaning they will need to travel home during unsociable hours. With less people around, this puts them at higher risk of being attacked.

NHS lone worker framework supplier

We are an approved supplier on the NHS Supply Chain’s Electronic Assistive Technology Products Framework Agreement.

Following the conclusion of a rigorous OJEU tender process in 2018, NHS Supply Chain (acting as agent for NHS Business Services Authority), selected Peoplesafe’s products for the Lone Worker Device category.

This provides a simple and cost effective method for NHS Trusts to procure from a trusted provider.

Body worn cameras in the NHS

The application of body worn cameras in the NHS is only starting to be recognised. In January 2019, the government committed £8m to trial body cameras among paramedics by 2023/24.

However, NHS England data showed that 3,569 ambulance staff reported being assaulted in 2020 and 2021, so all 10 ambulance trusts in the UK have been supplied with body worn cameras – three years ahead of schedule.

Body worn video technology allows healthcare staff to record incidents where they feel at risk. Any subsequent recordings are then able to be given in evidence should an actual assault occur. Bodycams have already proven effective in NHS trials in de-escalating aggressive situations.

Explore Body Worn Cameras
“Our Home Treatment team visits mental health patients in their homes at point of crisis. We therefore work with a range of presentations, including often chaotic and erratic behaviour, heightened emotions which obviously has added risk involved.”
Dr Thomas Verghese, South West London St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
“The main factor in choosing Peoplesafe’s service is the level of protection that our staff have. As we are predominantly a mental health service, patient and staff safety is our top priority”
Catherine Kwamya, Spokesperson, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
“The most impressive element of Peoplesafe’s service is the simplicity and longevity of the devices. It’s reassuring to know that help can be sent quickly to any of our staff in need.”
Andy Machin, Spokesperson, Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Peoplesafe’s service helps our domestic staff feel reassured that while working alone they have 24/7 backup.”
Julie Watson, Support Services Manager, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust

Get in touch

If you’re a NHS trust or healthcare organisation and would like to learn more about how our lone worker safety service can help protect your staff, please speak to one of our expert consultants.
Book a consultation
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